City council meets on the first and third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. Any changes to time and/or location of meetings will be publicly posted.
David Goddard:
City Clerk
John Sarcopski :
First Ward
Donna Kordack
Bill Wilson
Second Ward
Cynthia Blake
Joshua Phillips
Third Ward
Charla Schultz
Grant Hercules
For contact information please call the city building.
The City of McMechen is structured and operates under the Mayor-Council Plan specified in West Virginia Code. Chapter 8 of the West Virginia Code, particularly §8-3-2 specifies the roles and responsibilities of the Council.
The Council is elected by wards, by the qualified voters of the City of McMechen. The Council, along with the Mayor, are the governing body and administrative authority for the City of McMechen.
Each member also serves on numerous City committees and commissions and participates in community meetings. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions concerning your area, contact the City Council member that serves your ward.